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Divorce Overview

Additional Divorce Topics Divorce Overview – Divorce can get complicate when there is no longer any communication between the two spouses.  Due to the arduous and complicated nature of a divorce proceeding, you may want to keep up to date on the status of the...

What is a Personal Injury Lawsuit

What is the definition of personal injury lawsuit? Definition of Personal Injury Lawsuit – Lawsuits are legal disputes arising from harm caused by an injury or accident. Someone else may be legally responsible for that injury, and civil court proceedings can...

What are Damages?

When you have been in an accident and have been injured, figuring out how much your case is worth comes down to damages.  Damages translate to a dollar figure usually determined by actual costs plus what a court (judge or jury) determine is the dollar figure...

What Does Child Custody Involve?

The most difficult decision for two people who have a child together is how much time and when the child will spend living with each of the parents. Responsibilities will most likely be shared and divided. Frequent and continued contact with both parents is the...

Alimony and Support

How Does Alimony and Support Get Decided? Money paid to the parent with the child custody is called child support.  This alimony and support is to pay for reasonable needs of any children for health, education and other maintenance.    Usually, the total income of...

Child Support Non-Payment

What happens in the event of Child Support Non-payment? Child support payments are an important issue in a divorce proceeding. Parents who have been ordered to pay scheduled payments for child support can suffer severe penalties if they fail to make a payment on time....

7 Cosas que haga Cuando este en un Accidente

EN LA ESCENA: 1. Asegúrese de que todo este bien. Si alguien está lastimado, llame a una ambulancia. Por qué: La seguridad es de suma importancia cuando se trata de un evento traumático. Atender las lesiones es lo primero. 2. Decida si debe contactar a la policía. Si...

7 Must Dos when in an Accident

AT THE CAR ACCIDENT SCENE: 1. Make sure everyone is OK. If anyone is hurt, call an ambulance. Why: Safety is of utmost importance when dealing with a traumatic event such as a car accident. Address injuries first. 2. Decide if law enforcement should be contacted. If...
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